星期六, 四月 11, 2009

Here comes the "Age" debate

just for the sake of it, i have to drop a few words out.
411 my fate.
i have to admit, it does hurt a little by hitting me with the number.

*Deep breath*

after all, i really do not think it's bacoz of the raising number,
i sighed for the fast passing time.
20 it's just like a blink away.

"see how fast those kids are growing up!"
I said things like that now a days,
then i figured out, it sounded old.

Not Damn!
no amount of money in the world can stop the
growing numbers, everyone are totally equal~~~
if someone kind of deny, they're simply idiots.

Not Damn!
i am not afraid to broach the topic of age,
it's just a number.

Not Damn!
no matter how, me, just being me.
feeling emotionally protected for life.

Sure, many people have been hurt in their past.
and now have a fear of intimacy.
but guess what?!
one thing good about getting old,
you get braver!

7 条评论:

Blogger Yean Foong 说...

and get wiser...

happy birthday

10:47 上午  
Blogger Random 说...

Happy Birthday~

12:28 下午  
Anonymous ee way 说...

Happy Birthday

4:37 下午  
Blogger *+*+*pYyying*+*+* 说...

happy birthday to u ^.^
we all are older every year too~~hehe
stay healthy and happy

11:43 下午  
Blogger ASOON 说...

click this:
dun beat me.....

12:17 上午  
Blogger Yoon 说...


阿顺!! 你再把这种无聊的东西摆上来,恐怕我以后看见类似蜡笔小新的物体都会把他掐个半死!!

1:20 下午  
Blogger Stefany 说...

ah yoon!
i went to the link by asoon
kek hei dao...

8:38 上午  


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